Our Services

We are here to support you in your healing journey as you evolve with food in mind

What will the experience of working with Tracie & Holly be like?

At Eating Essence  we establish a safe space to foster a therapeutic relationship based on acceptance and trust. Our goal is to empower you to explore your relationship with food and your body so that you can determine the changes that you want to make.

Over a series of collaborative sessions, we prioritize the issues that require attention and determine how best to attend to them. If your body is suffering physically as a result of disordered eating, we can work with you to restore your nutritional health. If you have a sense that your thoughts or feelings are unhelpful, we can work with you to develop emotional tolerance so that you can compassionately explore, challenge and realign your thoughts and behaviours with what is important to you.

We believe that with support, insight and encouragement everyone has the ability to reconnect with their innate wisdom and break free from unhelpful beliefs and habits.

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