The Process


Are you wondering if Eating Essence is right for you? Do you have questions that you would like answered before you commit?  Would you like to meet with us and get a sense of who we are? We would like to meet you too!

This is why we offer a complimentary 15 minute clarity call.  We understand that working with someone one-on-one, sharing your struggles and asking for help is not easy.  We want you to feel comfortable with the decision to work with us at Eating Essence.

During the clarity call we can answer any questions you may have, give you an opportunity to get to know us a little bit and share what you to hope to achieve by working with us. We hope that the clarity call puts you at ease with your decision to work with us, but of course if you want to think about things or make a decision at a later date, we completely understand. This is your work, your decision to make change, and it has to feel right for you. 

If you would like to proceed after the clarity call, we will book your first appointment.  


During your first 1-2 sessions we will complete a thorough assessment to help us better understand you and your goals.  We will then discuss a plan that includes frequency of sessions and duration of our work together.

In order to facilitate change it is helpful to start off with a number of consecutive sessions to build momentum and develop a strong therapeutic relationship. Most of our clients attend weekly or bi-weekly.  We can evaluate this regularly to see what works best for you.


After your assessment you will meet with either Holly or Tracie regularly to work toward achieving your goals.  We will structure the sessions to fit your preferred learning style by utilizing a number of evidence-based practices.  Often this work will include setting behavioural goals, teaching you skills and strategies to cope with change and an ongoing exploration to help you gain insight and to break from unwanted patterns in your life.  

We will check in periodically to make sure the sessions are continuing to meet your needs.


As the collaborative sessions draw to a close we will reflect on and evaluate the progress you have made.  Our work together may uncover underlying issues that need specialized treatment.  If this is the case for you, we will make recommendations for next steps on your healing journey.  However, if you are happy with your progress and you are feeling comfortable and more confident, we will conclude the session by reminding you that you are always welcome back for a check-in session at any time!

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